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A Londonderry Emergency Response Team

A Londonderry Emergency Response Team
ALERT is a dedicated group of trained volunteers who assist our community and its public safety departments in times of need.
Our volunteer team provides a valuable resource through continuous training, certifications, and scheduled exercises that prepare us for a variety of emergency situations. In addition, throughout the year we serve as a source of emergency preparedness education to the community. Historically, our team has been called upon to assist the Fire Department and Public Works with road clearing, the Police Department with road closures, and the Red Cross with shelter assistance. In times of need, the high school shelter provides critical services to residents of Londonderry and surrounding communities.

Line Search Training

Map reading during line search exercise.

A couple of our trainers

Winter Training Exercise

The Londonderry ALERT team is dedicated in loving memory of Dylan Drinan. Dylan was a three year old boy who sadly passed away after wandering away from his home on September 9, 2003. The Drinan family would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved with the program and extend a special thank you to Londonderry’s Police and Fire departments and the Londonderry Rotary Club, for keeping Dylan in their hearts and for always going the extra mile.

ALERT’s mission is to maintain a trained, dedicated group of volunteers to:
Assist our community and its public safety departments in times of need;
Serve as a source for education about emergency preparedness and prevention; and
Provide a valuable resource for the community through the continuous training and involvement of our members.

The Special Needs Alert Program (SNAP) was created by ALERT (A Londonderry Emergency Response Team) along with input from the Londonderry School District and the
Londonderry Police Department. The program helps emergency responders identify and
respond to vulnerable residents at risk of wandering.
The registration form below was approved by the Londonderry School Board, beginning in September 2019, and is now distributed at every IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting throughout the grade levels. If you know of someone with special needs and who may benefit from being registered at the Londonderry Police Department, please feel free to share this form.

Interested in joining ALERT?
We are a group of great people who’s main interest is community, we put that interest to work by training in activities that will assist our community during emergency situations.
We enjoy friendships and camaraderie, while preparing for and offering our services
to our neighbors.
If you would like to get more information, ask questions, or just observe, then visiting one of our bi-monthly Board Meetings will be the best place to start. ALERT meets on the third Thursday of every month at the Londonderry Police Department Community Room at 7:00pm. Use the Contact Form below to let us know your coming and to confirm date/time of our next meeting!